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LDG Publishing


Poems of Serenity:

©2001 LDG Publishing

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Looking To The Stars

My eyes scanned the universe and
Ears listened for your slightest whisper
My heart is traveling the cosmos
in search of its greatest need

I have found you once again
I lose myself within
your star-lit eyes
and lunar smile

You are the cosmic fountain
from which I drink
the fuel that warms
this heart so frozen

Cosmic winds gently carry
the song of my heart
I am momentarily satisfied
but yet so unfulfilled

Now I must return
to what is, from what was
Look down, once in a while
you'll find me looking to the stars


Breakfast Along The Pacific

A beautiful morning it was ......
The sun's face appeared in the sky,
beneath low level clouds above the horizon ......

The air was rich in morning freshness ......
Gentle was the roar of ocean waves,
as they crashed against the shore .......

Under the guise of the morning sun,
a freshly prepared breakfast was
consumed under a cabana's roof ......

Could such an early morning be not welcome?
While sipping the beverages of breakfast,
observed was a small sailboat afloat on the water ......

As more of the morning came into view,
pelicans flew to and from their roost
while a pod of dolphins swam in rhythm ......

And so another beautiful day begins
relaxing under the warm sun, and with
an early morning Breakfast Along The Pacific ......